π In Claimable, you can create unlimited reports on claims, messages, tasks, contacts and companies via Filters.
Being able to report on claims data and access analytics about your work is key to better understanding and managing your claims workflow.
Claimable allows you to build reports on claims, messages, tasks, contacts and companies in a few clicks by applying single or multiple conditions to your data via the Filters functionality.
When creating a report you can:
Use filters (and labels) to report on claims, messages, tasks, contacts and companies
βApply multiple conditions to your reports via Filters. For example: "All open motor claims reported this month-to-date and appointed to the supplier Repairer A"
βCustomise the columns to be shown in the Claimable interface. For instance, you may want to have "Claim Name, Incident Type, Reported Date and Incident Date". To change the columns, just let us contact us and we will do that for you!
Export the data in .CSV or .XLSX format
βSchedule specific exports to be automatically sent to you via email daily, weekly or monthly on a specific day.
Read more:
Exporting Claims