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Can I export payments?
Elisa avatar
Written by Elisa
Updated over a month ago

Yes, you can export all payments belonging to your claims from within Claimable in a few clicks.

To do so, you will just need to tick the "Include 'Payments' tab?" option when exporting claims in XLSX format. This will add a separate "Payments" tab to the XLSX export, which lists all payments for every claim on the export.

Because a claim can have multiple payments, each payment will have a separate line, with identifying claim columns repeated so you know which claim the payment belongs to, such as "Claim ID", "Claim Ref." and "Claim Title".

Exporting payments from Claimable claims management software.

Columns Included

When exporting payments the payment-specific columns included are:

  • Payment ID - a unique reference that identifies this particular payment.

  • Payment Date - the payment date entered for this payment.

  • Reference - a unique reference that can be used when making payments (for example if you upload to your bank's batch payment system). The reference is in the format of {Claim ID}-{Payment ID}-{Payment Index on Claim} (e.g. "3735-1341-2"), allowing you to identify both the claim (e.g. ID 3735) and payment (e.g. ID 1341). The last segment (e.g. 2) indicates the index number of the payment within the claim (e.g. the 2nd payment), which is helpful when multiple payments exist per claim.

  • Description - the "Description" entered for this payment.

  • Payment Method - the "Payment Method" chosen for this payment.

  • Payment Type - the "Payment Type" chosen for this payment.

  • Beneficiary Account Name - the "Account Holder's Name" as per the Payment Details section on the claimant's contact record.

  • Beneficiary Bank Name - the "Bank Name" as per the Payment Details section on the claimant's contact record.

  • Beneficiary Sort Code - the "Sort Code" (or "ABA / Routing No" for US) as per the Payment Details section on the claimant's contact record.

  • Beneficiary Account Number - the "Account Number" as per the Payment Details section on the claimant's contact record.

  • Beneficiary SWIFT/BIC - the "SWIFT/BIC" as per the Payment Details section on the claimant's contact record.

  • Beneficiary IBAN - the "IBAN" as per the Payment Details section on the claimant's contact record.

  • Net Amount - The "Net Amount" entered for this payment.

  • VAT - The "VAT" (tax) entered for this payment.

  • Total - The Total (Net Amount + VAT/tax) of the payment.

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