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Account Settings

Configure your Claimable account by adjusting its settings.

Elisa avatar
Written by Elisa
Updated over a week ago

Account administrators can change their company's account-level settings, to ensure Claimable is configured to suit your organisation's needs.

You can access Account Settings from link in your profile menu.

The account settings button within Claimable

From here you can change any of the following details:



This refers to the unique web address that you and your users visit to access your Claimable account. The subdomain is the part before the first "." before "" and it is automatically generated from your company name, however, you can request to change it. We recommend you shorten long company names, and remove unnecessary words, because shorter is better. It's also a good opportunity to brand and personalise the link you give to staff, customers and claimants.

For example, a company called "Hoxton Street Claims Ltd", could have a subdomain of just "hoxton", which would make their URL, which is short, on-brand and easy to remember.

Subdomains are always lowercase.

To request a change you just need to click "Request Change" and contact support.


This ensures that region-specific formats such as dates, times and vernacular are correctly displayed for your chosen region. You can easily choose that via the drop-down menu.

For example, if your Locale/Region is set to English - UK, dates will show in the UK/European format, where the day precedes the month (e.g. 11 July). However, if your Locale/Region is set to English - US, dates will use the format most common in North America (and other regions) where the month precedes the date (e.g. July 11).

Default Address Country

This allows you to pre-select the country when entering or searching for an address within Claimable making it faster to fill in addresses.

Time Zone

This refers to the primary time zone in which your company operates. Changing the time zone will affect the display of dates and times, and all time-dependent features across Claimable such as the Claimable Daily.

You can change the timezone by selecting it from the drop-down menu and clicking "Save".

Public Holidays Region

This setting will allow you to choose the region that Claimable will use to determine local public holidays for features that use working/business days.

For instance, our automatic task due dates feature. If you have a task due date to be set 10 working days after the claim is created, Claimable will exclude all weekends and local festivities when calculating the days.

Company Message Footer

Claimable gives you the option to automatically add a subtle footer at the bottom of every outgoing email. This is ideal for legal disclaimers, confidentiality policies or other formal notices about your company's communications.

You can use the Claimable default one or create your own version.

Incident Date Validation

The Incident Date Validation option allows you to enforce the "Incident Date/Time" on claims to be before or on the "Date/Time Reported" and not in the future.

If this is turned on, when creating a claim your team will not be able to select an "Incident Date/Time" after the "Date/Time Reported".

Claim Duration Origin

Claimable calculates the duration of your claims to help you audit your work, monitor performance and report on KPIs. To customise how the claim duration is calculated, you can choose the field used as the start date from which the "Claim Duration" is measured. You can choose between the following options:

  • Date Created

  • Date Reported

  • Incident Date

Account Currency and Per-Claim Currency

Claimable allows you to customise the currency that shows on the money-related fields on your account. You can default that to the currency in which you primarily do business or let users select the currency on a per-claim basis.

If you turn on the Per-Claim Currency option you will be able to specify a list of most common currencies that will appear at the top of the currency drop-down list for your team to choose from.

Billing and Plan:

Price Plan

This shows you the current price plan you are on. You can easily upgrade or downgrade your plan by contacting us.

Plan changes take immediate effect, and you will be billed pro-rata until the end of the current billing period. To learn more about our pricing and the features each plan includes, you can check our Pricing Page.


Company Name

This refers to how your company is called in Claimable and shows on invoices and correspondence from us. It will also be visible to your users.

You can easily change it by typing in the new name and clicking "Save".

Brand Name

This refers to your brand/trading name as you'd like it to display for customers and on any branded features enabled on your account.

Primary Contact 

The primary contact refers to the owner of your company's Claimable account. The primary contact is responsible for account administration and is a point of reference for communication regarding account matters.

The primary contact can differ from the billing contact. We will never spam you with emails not related to the product and will never share your email with anyone. 

Correspondence Address

The correspondence address is the primary address of your company and it will be solely used for relevant communications. The correspondence address can differ from the billing address.


IP Address Filtering

This allows you to restrict which IP addresses users can access your Claimable account from. Access from IP addresses not on the whitelist will be blocked.

When configuring IP Address Filtering for your Claimable account, you will need to ensure your current IP address is included in the whitelist to avoid locking yourself out. We therefore recommend adding at least one static IP address that you have guaranteed and persistent access to, such as from an office or over a VPN.

Enabling IP Address Filtering will take immediate effect and any users accessing Claimable from an IP address not on your whitelist will be logged out.


From the Users tab admins can view all users on the account: active, invited, inactive and with MFA disabled.

Admins can also invite new users or deactivate users whose access is not required anymore.

Document Folders

Documents stored under your claims, contacts, companies can be organised in to folders.

Admins and managers can create, edit and delete Documents Folders from the Document Folders tab under Account Settings. These folders will appear on the Documents tab for all claims, contacts or companies for your team to use.

In addition, an overview of all existing Documents Folders along with the number of documents in each of them and the last used date, allows you to identify the most and least used folders.

Message Templates

Accounts on the Growth and Established pricing plans can use Message Templates to automatically create custom emails with a pre-defined body including automatically populated claim data.

Admins and managers can create unlimited Message Templates from the Message Templates tab under Account Settings.

The Message Templates will be available for your team to use when communicating with claimants, clients, suppliers and colleagues using the Messages feature.

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