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Quick Start Guide

We've put together this quick start guide to get you up and running in no time!

Miles avatar
Written by Miles
Updated over 3 months ago

Below is an explanation of the main concepts and activities you may want to perform and understand when starting with Claimable.

1. Accessing Your Claimable Account

You have been provided with your unique web address allowing you to access Claimable at anytime, anywhere. Just login with your email address and password and you are ready to use your account!

To ensure the optimal running of Claimable we recommend using a modern browser, such as Google Chrome or the latest version of Microsoft Edge.

Bookmark your unique Claimable address in your browser to make it easier to access your account.

2. Adding Claims to Your Account

To add claims click the "+ New Claim" button on the Claims tab.Β 

The button to create a new claim within the Claimable claims management software.

This presents you with the new claim creation window where you can enter the initial details of the claim.

When finished, click the "Create" button to save the claim. When the claim is saved successfully, it will appear at the top of your "All" filter.Β 

3. Working with Your Claims

In order to open a claim, just click on the claim record. When you open a claim you will see that is broken down into tabs listed on the left-hand side.
You can proceed to populate these tabs as the claim progresses, such as adding contacts, notes and uploading documents relating to the claim.

Looking at a claim in the Claimable claims management software. The claim sidebar is where documents, notes, payments, tasks etc. can be added to a claim.

4. Managing Your Workflow

For each claim you create, you will be able to create a to-dos list of tasks that need completion under the Claim Checklist. If you set a due date and assign tasks to a user, Claimable will send a daily reminder of these tasks, the Claimable Daily.

Searching a specific claim using Claimable claims management software interface.

Also, if there is a set of tasks that you perform for each claim type you deal with, Claimable allows you to have the Checklist automatically populated with Repeating Tasks. You just need to send us a list of tasks you wish to appear automatically in the Checklist and we will add that for you.

5. Organising Your Claims

Filters and Labels are great tools to organise and categorise your claims.
​Filters enable you to report on your claims according to different conditions. We have added some sample filters in your account, but you can add more!

To create your own filters, click on the "+" sign.

The button to create more filters in Claimable claim management software.

Labels work like tags and are a great way for you to highlight specific information about a claim or categorise your claims. Labels are totally customisable and you can create as many labels as you want.

To create your own labels, click on the "+" sign.

The button to create more labels in Claimable claim management software.

Filters and Labels also work for tasks, contacts and companies.

6. Searching Your Claims

From the list of claims, you can search for a specific claim by different fields: Claimant Name or ID, Postcode/Zipcode and Claim Reference Number. Also, if you manage motor claims you will be able to search by Vehicle Registration Number / License Plate No.Β 

How to search your claims within Claimable claims management software.

7. Building a CRM Database of your Contacts

For each claim you deal with, Claimable creates a contact profile for everyone involved in the claim. You can keep track of as many contacts as you need and over time you'll build a database of all your contacts.

 Adding new contacts to your Claimable claims management software account.

The contacts you create will be saved in your Contacts list ready to be linked to future claims, along with their personal details, notes and claim history.

​8. Creating a Directory of Companies you work with

The claims you deal with may involve other companies such as Suppliers, Insurers, Brokers or Clients.

Adding these to your Companies list will ensure they can be linked to claims so you can keep track of all the parties involved easily.

The new company button within the Claimable claims management software user interface.


9. Tweaking Notifications to Support your Productivity

When you activate your account, you will be subscribed to some default notifications such as the Claimable Daily (a reminder of tasks due today and tomorrow as well as a summary of overdue ones), Claim Assigned, Claim Status Changed (for claims assigned to you) and Task Assigned.

This said you can opt out at any time or choose to opt in to additional notifications.

For instance, you may want to be notified every time a note is added to a claim you are assigned to or a colleague comments on a note you wrote.

Change your notifications preferences by accessing the Notifications tab from the Your Preference section, ticking the option you are interested in and clicking "Save".

Addin message templates within your Claimable claims management software.

10. Adding Message Templates

Message Templates allow you to automatically create custom emails with a pre-defined body including automatically populated claim data that saves you time and ensures consistency when communicating with claimants, clients, suppliers and colleagues.

If you are on the Growth or Established pice plan, you can create unlimited amount of templates in your account.

To do so, go to Account Settings > Message Templates and click on "Add Message Template +".

11. Customising your Message Signature

Every time you send a message from Claimable a default signature containing your name and company will be added. We advise adding your position/title, phone number or even your office address, to give people more ways to contact you and build trust.

How to set up multi-factor authentication in Claimable claims management software.


12. Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) or Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) adds another layer of security. It helps protect your Claimable account from unauthorised access helping verify that the person logging into your Claimable account is really you.

We recommend that all Claimable users enable MFA to maximise the security of your account.

You can set up MFA via from the Password & Login tab which you can access from the menu in the top right corner and clicking "Your Preferences".

13. Inviting Users

To invite your colleagues to your Claimable account or give limited access to external stakeholders and partners, just send us the full name and email address of the user you wish to add via the chat bubble in the bottom right hand corner.
We will get that done right away!

14. Customising your account

Claimable allows you to customise and configure your account to suit a variety of different scenarios, industries and business use cases.
You can read more about what is customisable in this article: Customisation Options.

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Just click the support chat bubble in the bottom right corner and we will happy to assist you.

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