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Appointing a Supplier

Appoint your suppliers to the claims they are working on

Elisa avatar
Written by Elisa
Updated over 2 months ago

When your company instructs other companies to carry out work on your claims, these are referred to in Claimable as "suppliers". You can appoint these suppliers to your claims.

By appointing a supplier to a claim, Claimable makes it easy for you to specify which companies are working on a claim and helps you manage your supplier network.

Appointing a Supplier to a Claim

You can appoint as many suppliers as you want to a claim from the Claim Info Sidebar

This can be done in just a few clicks, from the Appointed Suppliers section by clicking the plus icon. This will show you a list of available suppliers that you can appoint to the claim.

You can search and sort to find the supplier you are looking for.

In addition, to help you appoint the best supplier, the Company Type is shown along with their current claims load in the Claims column. This shows the number of total claims, along with the split between open and closed claims, currently appointed to each given supplier.

Searching a supplier via the Claimable claims management software interface.

Clicking on the supplier name will show you a convenient overview of some key company information such as Company Type, Labels, Claims (both open and closed) and their contact information. In addition, it will show you whether the supplier is already appointed to the chosen claim. To see who appointed it and when hover over the green "Appointed" text.
In order to appoint the supplier, just click on the green Appoint button.

Appointing a supplier to a claim via the Claimable claims management software interface.

Appointing a Specific Contact

You can optionally appoint a specific individual at the supplier company. This is useful if there are multiple people you work with there. For example, at a given adjusting company, you may use the services of multiple people there.

Before you click "Appoint" you can choose an "Appointed Contact" from a list of contacts linked to that company. If you don't have any company contacts, see How do I add a contact to a company? for more.

Appointing a specific contact as a supplier to a claim via Claimable interface.

Not only have you appointed the company but more specifically a particular individual at that company.

Adding an Event

When appointing a supplier you can choose to add an event that relates to their appointment. For example, this is a good way to specify a site visit, meeting, call or repairs.

Before you click "Appoint", toggle the "Add Event" switch and choose an "Event Type" and "Date/Time".

Adding an event to an appointed supplier within the Claimable claims management software interface.

The Appointed Suppliers List

Once a supplier is appointed to a claim it will show in the Claim Inspector under the Appointed Suppliers section. 

In addition to the company name and type of the appointed supplier, the list shows:

  • The appointed contact name (if there is a specific contact appointed - see the "Appointing a Specific Contact" section above).

  • The email and primary number of the appointed supplier company, or contact, if a specific contact is appointed.

  • The details of any event associated with this appointed supplier.

Hovering over the phone numbers of an appointed supplier in the Claimable software.

Tip 1: The appointed contact and company name are clickable links that take you to the contact and company profile respectively.

Tip 2
: the list shows the primary phone number for a contact. However, if they have multiple numbers, you can reveal their alternative phone numbers by hovering hover the "+ X more" label, without having to leave the page.

Editing an appointed supplier via the Claimable claims management software interface

Editing An Appointed Supplier

When you hover over the appointed supplier, a "more" icon (three dots) appears in the top right corner, which reveals two options when clicked: "Edit" and "Remove".

Clicking on the "Edit" option opens the appointed supplier detail window so you can see more information about that supplier appointment and make any changes if needed.

When done just click "Save".

Editing an appointed supplier via the Claimable claims management software interface

Removing an Appointed Supplier from a Claim

You can remove an appointed supplier from a claim by clicking the "Remove" option on the contextual menu for the appointed supplier. After clicking once, click again to confirm.

You can also remove an appointed supplier by clicking "Remove" on the appointed supplier detail window when editing (see "Editing An Appointed Supplier" above).

By removing an appointed supplier, the supplier will no longer be appointed to the given claim, and will disappear from the list of appointed suppliers. If you've given user access to your suppliers, they will no longer be able to see this claim.

Filtering on Appointed Suppliers

To make it easy to report on, and manage, supplier performance and load, there is an option of filtering by appointed suppliers. This can be done by adding a new filter from the Claims tab and applying the relevant conditions. Filtering on appointed suppliers can give you an at-a-glance overview of, for example, how many claims have been appointed to a specific supplier.

Don't forget you can export your filters/reports too!


In order to appoint a supplier to a claim, the supplier must exist as a company in Claimable. The company created must have its Type set to a type other than "Client". This means that the company functions as a supplier.

To learn more about the difference between a Client and a Supplier and how to create a new company read our help article on Creating a Company.

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