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A Quick Start Guide for Read-Only Users
A Quick Start Guide for Read-Only Users

Learn your way around Claimable as a read-only user.

Elisa avatar
Written by Elisa
Updated over 2 weeks ago

This article is a quick guide about navigating Claimable as a read-only user.

If you have been given access to Claimable as a read-only user, your company and some of your colleagues are probably already using Claimable on a daily basis to manage claims, however, you may not be too familiar with it.

Being a read-only user means you will have visibility of most claim information as a viewer, but without the ability to collaborate or edit information within Claimable.

This role is often suitable for directors, accounts teams, external consultants, auditors or anyone who has limited involvement in the claim process but who require oversight of the claims.

To help you navigate Claimable, below is a quick summary of the parts of Claimable you will have access to, how they are used and what activities can be performed.

Claims List

When logging into Claimable, the first page you see is the main Claims tab with a list of all claims/cases, which are shown along with some key information such as the Claim Type, Incident Date, the team member the claim is Assigned To, the Appointed Suppliers and the Checklist progress, among other things.

Claimable - mail claim list

From here, on the left hand side, you can also access Filters and Labels.


Filters are a great way to report on claims (but also, tasks, contacts and companies) by filtering the data on one or more conditions.​ For instance, you may find a filter called "Year-to-date claims" or "All claims assigned to James Bond" showing you all claims created this year-to-date or all claims assigned to James Bond respectively. By clicking on a specific filter, you will see a list of all claims that meet the filter's conditions.

As a read-only user, and if you have been given permission to do so, you can create new filters/reports by clicking on the "+" icon.

Claimable - create a new filter by clicking on the plus icon

To learn more about Filters you can read our Introducing Filters article.

Note: Read-only users can view and export claims belonging to a specific filter but cannot edit or delete existing filters.


Labels are like "categories" or "tags" and provide a way to categorise, group together and identify the state of claims, contacts, tasks, documents, messages and companies.

By clicking on the Labels tab you will be able to see all labels on your account and the claims that have these labels applied.

Note: Read-only users can view and export claims under a specific label but cannot create new labels or edit and delete existing ones.

Exporting Claims

You can easily export claims in .CSV or .XLSX format in one click. Just select the filter or label you wish to export and click on the download icon.

You can read more about Exporting Claims here.

Claimable download button

Viewing a Claim

By clicking on a specific claim, you will access its main details as well as additional information such as messages, notes, documents, etc. all of which relate to this particular claim.

Opening and Closing the Claim Info sidebar within Claimable

From the main claim navigation sidebar (on the left) you can access further claim information, such as:


The first page that you will see is the Claim tab that gives you an overview of the claim in question. Here you can toggle between Details, Incident and Value.

The Details tab includes useful information like Claim Type, Internal & External References, Policy Number, Claimant, Insurer, etc.

The Incident tab presents information related to the incident/event that caused the claim, such as the Description, Date, Details, Location, etc.

The Value tab is where financial information such as the Claim Cost and the Policy Excess along with a summary of Payments and Reserves are stored.

All the above fields cannot be edited by read-only users.


The Messages tab provides an overview of all email correspondence belonging to the claim. By clicking on a conversation you will be able to view all messages included in the thread. Read-only users cannot compose new messages or reply to existing ones.


Under Checklist, you can see a list of all to-dos needed to complete the claim along with their Due Date, the user they are Assigned To, Type and Labels.

By clicking on a task you can see further information such as the Completed Date, the Date Created and the Description.

As a read-only user, you cannot create, edit, complete or be assigned to any task.


The Contacts page is a bit like an address book for the claim and provides an overview of all contacts linked to the claim along with their Role and Liability. By clicking on a specific contact you will be able to see further information such as the Address, Date of Birth, Job Position, etc.

Read-only users cannot create, edit or delete contacts.


The Damages tab is where a list of all damages pertaining to the claim and their description is stored. Read-only users cannot add, edit or delete damages.


This is an overview of all money set aside for the claim in question, broken down by category. It can also be used to record estimated costs. Read-only users cannot add, edit or delete reserves.


Here you can see a list of all payments received and submitted as part of the claim handling process. Read-only users cannot add, edit or delete payments.


On the Documents page, you can find all files and documents relating to the claim, organised into folders. As a read-only user, you can view, search and download the documents stored here however, you cannot upload or delete documents.


These are automatically generated letters and documents pre-populated with information from within the claim and are available for full users to download. Read-only users cannot download these letters.


Notes are where claim teams typically record key information pertaining to the claim as it progresses, such as to document phone calls, summarise key events & milestones or simply to add further detail. On the Notes page you can view, download and search notes.

Read-only users cannot add new notes or comment on existing notes.


From the History tab you can access a timeline of the key activities and events performed on the claim throughout its lifecycle.

The Claim Info Sidebar

The Claim Info sidebar is located on the right side when viewing a claim and shows you useful information about the claim.

It provides a convenient, at-a-glance overview of the key information regarding the claim, such as Status, Claim Type, Claim ID, Date Created/Closed, Appointed Suppliers, who the claim is Assigned To, etc.

You can open and close the Claim Info sidebar by clicking on the "info" icon on the top right hand corner of the claim.

Opening and closing the Claim Info Sidebar within Claimable


The main Tasks tab provides an overview of all tasks across all claims along with some key information such as the Title, Due Date, who the task is Assigned by, who the task is Assigned to, Type and Completed Date.

From here you can view, search and export tasks. If you click on a specific task you will be able to see further task details from within the claim it belongs to.

On the left hand side, Filters and Labels let you report on and organise tasks.

Read-only users cannot create, edit or be assigned to any task.

The main tasks list with Claimable


The main Contacts tab provides an overview of all contacts (people or businesses) across all claims along with some key information such as the Name, Email Address and Contact Number/s and the number of claims they are linked to (Claim History).

Contacts are typically claimants or people/businesses involved in claims. Each contact profile can be linked to multiple claims.

From here you can view, search and export contacts.

On the left hand side, Filters and Labels let you report on and organise contacts.

The main Companies view in Claimable

Clicking on a contact will open the main contact record where you can see further details and information such as Notes and Documents along with the Claims History, if any.

Read-only users cannot create, edit or delete contacts.


The main Companies tab provides an overview of all companies you collaborate with when dealing with claims, for example: clients, insurers, suppliers etc.

Companies are shown along with some key information such as the Name, Type and the number of claims they are linked to (Claims). From here you can view, search and export companies.

On the left hand side, Filters and Labels let you report on and organise companies.

Clicking on a company will open the company record where you can see further details and information such as the Claims they are linked to along with Notes and Documents about that company.

Read-only users cannot create or edit companies.

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