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Exporting Tasks
Miles avatar
Written by Miles
Updated over a week ago

The exporting feature in Claimable lets you to export your tasks data to a CSV or XLSX file based on your Filters or Labels.

Exporting Tasks from Filters or Labels 

When exporting your tasks, the file generated will respect the columns shown for the currently selected filter or label. To initiate an export, choose the filter or label you want to extract and click the Export button.

Before the export begins, you get the choice of downloading a CSV or an XLSX file. Generally speaking, CSV works well if you intend to share the file or integrate with another system. Whereas XLSX files can be opened by all major office spreadsheet applications, such as Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

Simply click the file type you want your export to be in and click "Export".

Export Options

When exporting tasks you can use the "Include All Columns?" option to further customise the exported file.

Include All Columns?

When initiating the export, you get the option to override the default behaviour of exporting only the columns shown for the chosen filter or label, by choosing to export all available columns. To export all columns, simply tick the 'Include all columns?' box.

This might be useful if you need to create reports that require columns that are not shown for any of your filters or labels, or for data backup purposes.


If you've searched for something before initiating an export, the exported file will only include the search results.

In order to export all results, simply click the search reset button to remove any search terms and try initiating the export again. 

In the example below, the exported XLSX file will include the tasks matching the search term "invoice" and will include all available tasks columns.

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