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Exporting Claims
Miles avatar
Written by Miles
Updated over a week ago

The exporting feature in Claimable lets you to export your claims data to a CSV or XLSX file based on your Filters or Labels.

Exporting Claims from Filters or Labels 

When exporting your claims, the file generated will respect the columns shown for the currently selected filter or label. To initiate an export, choose the filter or label you want to extract and click the Export button.

Before the export begins, you get the choice of downloading a CSV or an XLSX file. Generally speaking, CSV works well if you intend to share the file or integrate with another system. Whereas XLSX files can be opened by all major office spreadsheet applications, such as Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

Simply click the file type you want your export to be in and click "Export".

Scheduling Exports

You can setup scheduled exports for Filters and Labels that you might otherwise export manually. Claimable will automatically deliver the exported file to your inbox either daily, weekly or monthly.

To create a scheduled export, first select a filter or label from the sidebar. From the export popup, click the "Schedule" button next to the "Export" button.

You will be prompted to choose a frequency for your schedule. The choices are daily, weekly or monthly. If you choose weekly you can specify a day of the week (e.g. Friday) and if you choose monthly you can pick a specific day of the month (e.g. 1st) or the "last day", which takes into account the number of days in each month.

If the "Skip empty exports?" option is checked, Claimable will not send any exports that yield zero rows, to avoid you receiving a blank export. However, you can uncheck the box if you'd prefer to still receive a notification, even for an empty export, which in some cases might be significant.

Finally, click "Add Schedule" to save your schedule, which will take effect on the next day that matches your chosen schedule frequency.

Scheduled exports will show a calendar icon next to the the filter or label they belong to.

Export Options

When exporting claims you can use the following options to further customise the exported file.

Include All Columns?

When initiating the export, you get the option to override the default behaviour of exporting only the columns shown for the chosen filter or label, by choosing to export all available columns. To export all columns, simply tick the 'Include all columns?' box.

This might be useful if you need to create reports that require columns that are not shown for any of your filters or labels, or for data backup purposes.

Include 'Contacts' tab? (XLSX format only)

This option will add a separate "Contacts" tab to the XLSX export, which lists all contacts linked to every claim on the export.

Because a claim can have multiple contacts associated with it, each contact will have a separate line, with identifying claim columns repeated so you know which claim the contact belongs to, such as "Claim ID", "Claim Ref." and "Claim Title".

The contact-specific columns included are:

  • Contact ID

  • Role - the role of the contact in relation to the claim

  • Liability - the liability of the contact in relation to the claim

  • Is Claimant? - shows "Yes" if the contact is the "Claimant" on the claim and "No" if not.

  • Is Insured Party? - shows "Yes" if the contact is the "Insured Party" on the claim and "No" if not.

  • Name

  • Title

  • First Name

  • Middle Name

  • Last Name

  • Is Business?

  • Business Name

  • Email

  • Home Phone

  • Work Phone

  • Mobile Phone

  • Website

  • Address Line 1

  • Address Line 2

  • Town/City

  • County/State

  • Postcode

  • Country

  • Timezone

  • Occupation/Position

  • Date of Birth

  • Sex

  • Martial Status

  • ID Card / Passport No.

  • Driving Licence No.

  • Social Security No.

  • Description

Include 'Damages' tab? (XLSX format only)

Similar to contacts (above), this option will add a separate "Damages" tab to the XLSX export, which lists all damages for every claim on the export.

Because a claim can have multiple damages, each damage will have a separate line, with identifying claim columns repeated so you know which claim the damage belongs to, such as "Claim ID", "Claim Ref." and "Claim Title".

The damage-specific columns included are:

  • Damage ID - a unique reference that identifies this particular damage.

  • Damage Type - the "Damage Type" chosen for this damage.

  • Description - any "Description" entered for this damage.

  • Contact - if this damage is linked to a specific claim contact, their name will show here.

Include 'Payments' tab? (XLSX format only)

Similar to contacts and damages (above), this option will add a separate "Payments" tab to the XLSX export, which lists all payments for every claim on the export.

Because a claim can have multiple payments, each payment will have a separate line, with identifying claim columns repeated so you know which claim the payment belongs to, such as "Claim ID", "Claim Ref." and "Claim Title".

The payment-specific columns included are:

  • Payment ID - a unique reference that identifies this particular payment.

  • Payment Date - the payment date entered for this payment.

  • Reference - a unique reference that can be used when making payments (for example if you upload to your bank's batch payment system). The reference is in the format of {Claim ID}-{Payment ID}-{Payment Index on Claim} (e.g. "3735-1341-2"), allowing you to identify both the claim (e.g. ID 3735) and payment (e.g. ID 1341). The last segment (e.g. 2) indicates the index number of the payment within the claim (e.g. the 2nd payment), which is helpful when multiple payments exist per claim.

  • Description - the "Description" entered for this payment. 

  • Payment Method - the "Payment Method" chosen for this payment. 

  • Payment Type - the "Payment Type" chosen for this payment. 

  • Beneficiary Account Name - the "Account Holder's Name" as per the Payment Details section on the claimant's contact record.

  • Beneficiary Bank Name - the "Bank Name" as per the Payment Details section on the claimant's contact record.

  • Beneficiary Sort Code - the "Sort Code" (or "ABA / Routing No" for US) as per the Payment Details section on the claimant's contact record.

  • Beneficiary Account Number - the "Account Number" as per the Payment Details section on the claimant's contact record.

  • Beneficiary SWIFT/BIC - the "SWIFT/BIC" as per the Payment Details section on the claimant's contact record.

  • Beneficiary IBAN - the "IBAN" as per the Payment Details section on the claimant's contact record.

  • Net Amount - The "Net Amount" entered for this payment.

  • VAT - The "VAT" entered for this payment.

  • Total  - The Total (Net Amount + VAT) of the payment.

Include 'Notes' tab? (XLSX format only)

Similar to contacts, damages and payments (above), this option will add a separate "Notes" tab to the XLSX export, which lists all notes for every claim on the export.

Because a claim can have multiple notes, each note will have a separate line, with identifying claim columns repeated so you know which claim the note belongs to, such as "Claim ID", "Claim Ref." and "Claim Title".

The note-specific columns included are:

  • Note Body - a plain text version of the note (any formatting is stripped).

  • Created Date/Time - the date and time the note was created in Claimable.

  • Created By - the use who created the note.

  • Pinned? - shows "Yes" if the note is pinned, "No" if not.

  • Pinned Date/Time - if the note is pinned, the date and time when it was pinned.

  • Pinned By - if the note is pinned, who pinned it.

  • Attachments - the number of file attachments present on the note, if any.


If you've searched for something before initiating an export, the exported file will only include the search results.

In order to export all results, simply click the search reset button to remove any search terms and try initiating the export again. 

In the example below, the exported XLSX file will include 9 claims matching the search term "jones" and will include all available claims columns, with an additional tab for damages. 

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