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Scheduled Exports

Have exports emailed to you automatically every day, week or month.

Lizzie avatar
Written by Lizzie
Updated over a week ago

You can setup scheduled exports for filters and labels that you might otherwise export manually. Claimable will automatically deliver the exported file to your inbox either daily, weekly or monthly.

Just like for manual exports, Claimable supports scheduled exporting of filters and labels for Claims, Messages, Tasks, Contacts and Companies.

Setting Up a Scheduled Export

To create a scheduled export, first select a filter or label from the sidebar. From the export popup, click the "Schedule" button next to the "Export" button.

You will be prompted to choose a frequency for your schedule. The choices are daily, weekly or monthly. If you choose weekly you can specify a day of the week (e.g. Friday) and if you choose monthly you can pick a specific day of the month (e.g. 1st) or the "last day", which takes into account the number of days in each month.

If the "Skip empty exports?" option is checked, Claimable will not send any exports that yield zero rows, to avoid you receiving a blank export. However, you can uncheck the box if you'd prefer to still receive a notification, even for an empty export, which in some cases might be significant.

Finally, click "Add Schedule" to save your schedule, which will take effect on the next day that matches your chosen schedule frequency.

Export Options

Any export options that you specify, before saving the scheduled export, will be remembered and applied for every export sent as part of the schedule.

For example, options such as the following will be applied for every export:

  • Format (CSV/XLSX)

  • Include all columns?

  • Include X tab?

Search Term

If you have searched for something specific in the current filter or label before creating a scheduled export, the search term will be remembered and applied to all exports in the schedule.

This can be used to monitor or observe a particular keyword or important search term. Not only will you know if there are any matching records and how many, but you will see if the number of rows is going up or down with each subsequent export (see "Receiving Scheduled Exports" below).

Receiving Scheduled Exports

Scheduled exports will be delivered to you via email at around 9-10am* on the morning of each day matching your preferred schedule. This is either:

  1. Every day - for daily exports; or

  2. Every week on a specific weekday - for weekly exports; or

  3. Every month on a specific day - for monthly exports.

*Note: the scheduled export delivery time is approximate and may vary.

The email will contain helpful details about the scheduled export such as:

  • What is included in the export (e.g. filter/label; claims, messages, tasks etc.)

  • The schedule frequency (e.g. "every week on Friday")

  • The number of rows included on the export.

  • The change in the number of rows on the export since last time, if any. (e.g. +10 or -7)

Changing an Existing Scheduled Export

To change an existing scheduled export, first select the filter or label with the export schedule attached to it.

Filters or labels that you have attached an export schedule to are easy to identify, because a "scheduled export" icon is shown alongside them in the sidebar.

To amend the existing schedule, click "Edit Schedule" from the export popup. From here you can change the frequency and schedule options. Click "Save Schedule" to save your changes, which will take effect immediately.

Deleting a Scheduled Export

If you no longer want to receive a scheduled export, you can remove it by clicking the "Edit Schedule" button from the export popup and then click the red remove button (calendar icon with "x").

This scheduled export will be immediately deleted and you will no longer receive emails containing the export daily, weekly or monthly.

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