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Letter Template Guidelines
Letter Template Guidelines

Learn about letter structure and merging claim data into letters

Miles avatar
Written by Miles
Updated over a week ago

To add letter templates to your account, please send your letter templates to

Follow the guidelines provided below to get the most out of this feature and ensure accurate merging of data from the claim into your letter, at the time of download. 

All letter templates follow the same structure, described below, but you have the option of customising what you want to include in each letter.

Letter templates can be linked to a specific claim type, or made available for all your claim types, so please specify this when you send us your templates. 

Creating Your Letter Template

First of all, you have the option of adding a Title to your letter template. This will appear in bold under the recipient and date. In the title, you can also add placeholders that will be merged from the details in the claim. For example, this is a good place to include the Claim ID or Reference.

You also need provide a Body for the letter template, which is the main content of the letter and can span as many pages as you need. The body can also contain placeholders (see below) that will be merged from the claim, into the letter, when downloaded. 

Additionally, you have the option of formatting certain words in the body to be bold, italic, underlined or have a special font colour or size.

Lastly, it is possible to add a Signature and a Footer to personalise the letter even further. The signature section is a intended as a formal sign-off, and the footer is the perfect place to put your company reference number, contact details or address.

Both the signature and footer are optional.

The Header

The Header consists of your company logo and your company address. 

The header is optional but it is inserted by default in letters if not specified otherwise.

If you use paper with a pre-printed letterhead, just let us know, and we won’t include the header in your letter.

You can also decide to include only the logo in the header, with no sender address.

The header, whether blank or populated, it can also be repeated on every page if needed.

Recipient Address and Date

The Recipient Address and the Date are inserted on the letter by default and they cannot be removed.

However, Claimable allows you to add a custom line beneath the recipient address. For instance, you may want to add the recipient email address, or the phone number together with the recipient address. 

This addition to the recipient address can also contain placeholders (see "Adding Placeholders" below).

Adding Images

Claimable allows you to attach images to letters.

If you choose to have images attached to the letter, Claimable will attach all images saved in the documents tab within the claim in question. Images are always added to a new page at the end of the letter.

To introduce the images attached to the letter, you can add an Attachment Introduction, which is a a title or paragraph appearing on the first page containing the images, before they start. Here, you can also add placeholders (see "Adding Placeholders" below).

How Will the Letter Template Look?

The example below shows how a typical letter will look when downloaded. We've marked the sections mentioned above, to give you an idea of how the final outcome can be expected to look, for a given letter template.

Adding Placeholders

You can add placeholders in the Title and the Body of the letter to automatically merge information from the claim into your letter. Placeholders allow you to write your letter templates in a generic way, but the generated letter will be personalised according to who/what claim they are downloaded for!

E.g. If you wish to address the letter to the recipient just write "Hi, (recipient)!" and we will get that sorted for you.

You can use any field from the Claim Details tab as placeholders, to be merged into your letter and the software will automatically do so when the letter is downloaded. Just specify this in your template.

To get started, some example placeholders are as follows: 

  • Claim ID

  • Recipient name/business name 

  • Claimant name/business name

  • Incident type 

  • Sub-incident type

  • Date reported 

  • Incident date 

  • Claim ref

  • External claim ref

If you are not sure if a field is available as a placeholder, just ask!

For example, if you want to include the Claim ID in the letter just let us know by adding the placeholder in brackets when sending us your letter template, such as:

"Your Claim ID is (Claim ID) and please quote this in any further correspondence."

Need Help? 

To add a letter template, please contact the Claimable team and we will get that sorted for you. You can also click the blue support chat bubble if you have any questions regarding this. 

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