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Notification Preferences
Notification Preferences

Choose which notifications you would like to receive.

Elisa avatar
Written by Elisa
Updated over a week ago

You can edit your Notification Preferences by accessing the Settings section. To do so, click on your name in the top right hand corner of the screen and then click on Edit Profile. Then in the left sidebar, select Notifications.

The Notifications tab allows you to manage your notification preferences to make sure you receive only relevant notifications from Claimable.

The available notifications are:

  • New Claim

  • Claim Assigned

  • Claim Status Changed (All Claims)

  • Claim Status Changed (Assigned Claims)

  • Task Assigned

  • Task Completed

  • Claimable Daily

  • Note Added (All Claims)

  • Note Added (Assigned Claims)

  • Comments on Your Notes

New Claim

Turn this on to receive a notification when someone creates a new claim in your Claimable account. The notification includes a summary of the claim and you can view the full details by clicking "View Claim" which takes you into the claim on Claimable.

If you are assigned the claim at the time of creation, you will receive the Claim Assigned notification (see below) instead of this one to avoid getting two notifications about the same claim!

External users (for example users for clients, insurers, suppliers) do not receive the new claim notification to protect your claims data.

Note: You won't receive this notification for claims create yourself!

Claim Assigned

Turn this on to receive a notification when someone assigns a claim to you. The notification tells you who assigned the claim to you and includes a summary of the claim details. You can view the full claim by clicking "View Claim".

When you are assigned a claim at the time of creation, you will receive this notification instead of the New Claim notification (see above) to avoid getting two notifications about the same claim!
​Note: You won't receive this for claims you assign to yourself.

Claim Status Changed

Claim Status changed notifications will let you know when the status of a claim changes: when it has either been closed or re-opened.

The user who closed or re-opened the claim is shown, along with the date and time they made the change. You can also view the full claim by clicking "View Claim".

There are two options for this notification, offering different behaviour:

Claim Status Changed

(All Claims)

Notifies you when any claim is closed or reopened.

Claim Status Changed

(Assigned Claims)

Notifies you only when a claim you are assigned to is closed or reopened.

Note: You won't receive this notification for claims you close or re-open yourself!

Task Assigned

Turn this on to get notified when someone assigns a task to you. The notification also lets you know the claim it relates to, and you can click through to see more details on Claimable.

Note: You won't receive this for tasks you assign to yourself.

Task Completed

Turn this on to get notified when someone completes a task you've assigned to them or another user. You can see who completed it and when.

As with the other notifications, clicking View Task takes you into the task in Claimable for further review.

You will receive this notification even if the user who completed the task is not the user you originally assigned.
​Note: You won't receive this for tasks you complete yourself, regardless of who assigned them.

Claimable Daily

Receive a morning email with your agenda for the day ahead. It summarises your assigned tasks for the current day and next day. You can learn more in our guide to The Claimable Daily.

Note Added (All Claims)

Turn this on to receive a notification when someone adds a note to any claim in your account. The notification will include the claim ID and the claim title as well as the user that performed the action and a preview of the note added.

Note Added (Assigned Claims)

Turn this on to receive a notification when someone adds a note to any of the claims that are assigned to you. The notification will include the claim ID and the claim title as well as the user that performed the action and a preview of the note added.

Comments on Your Notes

Turn this on to receive a notification when someone adds a comment to a note you wrote. The notification will include the claim ID, the claim title and the user that added the comment as well as a preview of it.

Opt-In and Opt-Out

All notifications are optional. You will be subscribed to our Claimable Daily, Claim Assigned, Claim Status Changed (Assigned Claims) and Task Assigned notifications automatically when activating your account, nevertheless, you can opt-out at any time.

To change which notifications you receive, check/uncheck the box next to the notification and then click "Save".

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